Monday, December 5, 2011

Week 16: D1

I have learned what a good and strong argument should be like. I always thought a strong argument is an argument that makes a good point but really it is not. For example I learned what a criteria for a valid argument is. It means that an argument is valid if there is no possible way for its premises to be true and its conclusion false at the same time. Before this class I would make a lot of arguments that seems to be good, but really they were not. I would say things like “I should not do homework right now because I am hungry.” It was an excuse for me to not do my homework but really this is not a strong argument because my homework and hunger does not link together. This argument can be good if I added more premise to it, like when I am hungry I get easily distracted. I learn to add more specific details to my argument so it can be strong and valid, making it hard for someone else to break it down.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Cynthia,
    I totally agree with you before this class I was making claims that I thought was strong and valid boy was I wrong my claims were not only not strong they weren't valid either. So this class really did help me in strengthening my speech and my "communication" skills. However, I feel for those claims there should interactive games or video clips to further explain the concepts into a more simple terms because sometimes i would not understand what the text might be describing or explaining. Awesome post! Good luck on your finals! :) Keep up the good work!

